Friday, August 28, 2015

Vitamins, Supplements And The Importance Of Water In A Healthy Diet

If you are a person who is interested in developing an appropriate diet for health living, there are three items that you should include in your overall eating regimen:

-- vitamins
-- nutritional supplements
-- water

The foundation of a diet for healthy living needs to be appropriate food choices. You need to eat an appropriate balance of fresh fruits, vegetables and low-fat meat products. You need to avoid food items that contain trans-fats as well as refined, processed sugars.

Vitamins, Supplements And The Importance Of Water In A Healthy Diet

Once you have established the appropriate menus for your overall plan for healthy living, you will want to consider how vitamin and other nutritional supplements can support your food selections and choices.

It is vital to keep in mind that vitamins and nutritional supplements are not designed to replace healthy food choices. Rather, these products -- as the moniker “supplement” indicates -- are designed to supplement your basic, healthy food choices and selections.

Along with proper food choices and the addition of vitamins and nutritional supplements, drinking an appropriate amount is absolutely necessary to maintaining an appropriate weight and to pursuing a healthy diet, a diet for healthy living.

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As a general rule of thumb, an adult who is not significantly overweight should consume eight 8-ounce glasses of water each and every day. (Soft drinks, coffee, milk and other beverages are not to be utilized as part of the total water intake amount.

However, some herbal, decaffeinated teas can be used towards your overall water intake count on a given day.)

Vitamins, Supplements And The Importance Of Water In A Healthy Diet

A person who is overweight will need to consume more water. Some experts suggest that (in addition to utilizing vitamins and nutritional supplements) a heavier person should take in not only the base eight glasses of water daily but should also drink an additional 8-ounce glass for every ten pounds he or she weights over and above his or her “ideal weight.”

Of course, if a person is morbidly obese, there is a line of water consumption that cannot be crossed. You can only consume so much water -- however, you do need to bear in mind that the more you weigh, the more water that you will need to drink each and every day.

Finally, in addition to using vitamins and nutritional supplements to enhance any workout or exercise regimen that you include in your overall healthy living plan or scheme, you need to increase your intake of water when you do exercise.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

A Short-Cut to a Smooth and Healthy Skin!

You are 25 but look 35. Blame it on your skin! The skin is the largest organ in the body, and the most exposed. Pollution, ultraviolet rays in the Sun's light, stress, lack of essential vitamins, all contribute to wear and tear your skin.

Most people don't take proper care of their skin - either due to hectic work or due to pure ignorance. Lack of proper skin care can result in more skin-related diseases and allergies. how to get rid of scars from pimples. Proper skin care is important for avoiding cold sores, spots, and skin cancer. Beauty therapies and skin care lotions are only effective up to a point when it comes to keeping your skin soft and smooth.

A Short-Cut to a Smooth and Healthy Skin!

Exposure to sunlight causes loss of water in our body which leads to dryness of the skin. This results in the skin losing its elasticity and 'sagging.' This loss of elasticity normally happens with ageing. However, changing climatic conditions and atmospheric conditions such as ozone depletion cause the harmful ultraviolet B rays to cause more damage to our skin. This is where nutrition comes in.

In order to get the right skin, it is important to look at the part played by nutrition in skin care. That translates as getting more nutritional food into your diet. Lack of proper nutrition may result in the loss of natural oils present in your skin. Fresh vegetables, fruits, fresh juice, cereals, etc. contain vitamins essential for a healthy skin.

Vitamin E is said to be a skin-care vitamin. Apart from vitamin E, vitamins such as A and C are also essential for a healthy skin. These vitamins contain antioxidants which help the skin to maintain its natural oils. These antioxidants help to reduce the tendency of the skin to age. Ultimately they help fight the punishing effect that the climatic changes have on our skins.

But where do you get the vitamins and nutrients necessary for your skin's health? Not from your daily diet. For various reasons, people cannot get the right quantity of vitamins and other nutrients into the body through their normal diet. And synthetic vitamins are out.

A Short-Cut to a Smooth and Healthy Skin!

Enter glyconutrients. Eight essential sugars have been discovered to be the essential building blocks for our body cells recently. There is a lot of research going on about these essential sugars and the larger group of saccharides of which they are a part, called glyconutrients. how to get perfect skin fast. These eight simple sugars are responsible for cell-to-cell communication necessary for keeping the body's glands and organs, including the skin, healthy.

Skin care ointments and lotions containing glyconutrients are the best alternative to any beauty therapy. The intake glyconutrients is equally important for health care as well as skin care.

Consult your doctor or dietician, exercise, and drink a lot of water. And give your skin its daily dose of glyconutrients!